Private Pay Assisted Living Facilities Eligible to Apply for Provider Relief Funds

On September 1, 2020, HHS announced that private pay assisted living facilities (ALF) are now eligible to apply for the Provider Relief Fund (PRF) Phase 2 General Distribution.  Like other providers applying for Phase 2 funding, ALFs will receive 2 percent net patient care revenue from their most recently filed tax return.  No additional funding is available if the ALF has already received or applied for 2 percent revenue, because of Medicaid participation or having a common tax identification number (TIN) with a Medicare provider. “Patient care” is broadly defined as any revenue that supports residents’ nutritional, housing, activities of daily living, and medical needs, including purchased services. Revenue from independent living units that are a part of community, which includes assisted living or skilled nursing facilities, also fits within the definition of “patient care”.

Providers have until September 13, 2020 to begin their application by entering their Tax Identification Number (TIN) for validation. The application is available on the enhanced provider relief portal. Our June 29, 2020 article provides details on how to apply. At the time of initial publication, the portal was only for the Medicaid, CHIP and Dental providers but was expanded on August 10, 2020 to include the “second chance” providers and now will include private pay ALF providers, as well.

The HHS guidance on the provider relief funds has been ever changing and often conflicting. The FAQs continue to be updated frequently. HW&Co. is here to assist you in any way we can. Please visit the HW&Co. Current Events Center on our website for additional resources or contact your HW Healthcare Advisor if you need assistance.

Disclaimer:  Information in this article is subject to change and is based upon our current understanding as of the issue date. This is a constantly evolving process as HHS has been issuing new or changed guidance on a frequent basis.