HHS Extends Deadline for Attestation, Acceptance of Terms and Conditions for Provider Relief Fund Payments to 45 Days

If you tuned into our CARES Act Provider Relief Funds: What We Know webinar this morning, you learned that HHS would most likely extend the Attestation deadline. Below is an excerpt from the recent press release extending the deadline from 30 to 45 days after receipt of payment. In yet another example of changing guidance, HHS is counting the day of receipt as day 1 so be sure to factor that in (i.e. attestation for funds received April 10 must be done by May 24). In addition, they posted updated FAQs with clarifying guidance on some of the open issues.

Per the HHS press release:

The Department of Health and Human Services has extended the deadline for healthcare providers to attest to receipt of payments from the Provider Relief Fund and accept the Terms and Conditions. Providers will now have 45 days, increased from 30 days, from the date they receive a payment to attest and accept the Terms and Conditions or return the funds. As an example, the initial 30-day deadline for providers who received payment on April 10, 2020, is extended to May 24 from May 9, 2020. With the extension, not returning the payment within 45 days of receipt of payment will be viewed as acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. Read the entire press release here.

For more information on CARES Act Provider Relief Funds, read our article, listen to our webinar, and/or contact your HW&Co. Healthcare Advisor with any questions.