Why affinity fraud is particularly heinous By: Tony LaNasa Affinity fraud — where perpetrators exploit connections of race, religion, age, politics, and profession — is one of the cruelest forms of criminal deception. Fraudsters often belong to the groups […]
How to treat your business website costs for tax purposes By: David M. Reape These days, most businesses need a website to remain competitive. It’s an easy decision to set one up and maintain it. But determining the proper tax treatment for the costs […]
Getting the goods on hidden assets By: Tony LaNasa [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Hidden assets can be an issue in a variety of contexts — from divorce to bankruptcy to fraud. An acrimonious divorce, ownership dispute or occupational theft incident could all […]
How dirty money can sully real estate transactions By: Tony LaNasa Money laundering is the process by which criminals transform their ill-gotten gains into legitimate-looking funds. It’s widespread and wide-reaching, making it a significant corrupting influence on financial systems, governments, and […]
IRS has begun sending letters to virtual currency owners advising them to pay back taxes and file amended returns By: David M. Reape The Internal Revenue Service has begun sending letters to taxpayers with virtual currency transactions that potentially failed to report income and pay the resulting tax from these transactions or did […]
A policy can help nonprofits look “gift horses” in the mouth By: Helen Weeber When you receive a personal gift from a friend or family member — even if it’s not something you particularly want — you accept the gift and thank the person. […]
The connection between fraud and geometry By: Tony LaNasa Fraud experts have long suggested that the presence of three conditions, known as the “fraud triangle,” greatly increases the likelihood that an employee will commit fraud. Over the years, this […]
The key to retirement security is picking the right plan for your business By: David M. Reape If you’re a small business owner or you’re involved in a start-up, you may want to set up a tax-favored retirement plan for yourself and any employees. Several types of […]
The tax implications of a company car By: David M. Reape The use of a company vehicle is a valuable fringe benefit for owners and employees of small businesses. This benefit results in tax deductions for the employer as well as […]
Making your nonprofit’s special event profitable By: Helen Weeber As in the for-profit world, sometimes not-for-profits need to spend money to make money. This is particularly true when it comes to fundraisers. At the same time, you need to […]
When the early bird commits the fraud, you need to catch it By: Tony LaNasa Early revenue recognition has long accounted for a substantial portion of financial statement fraud. By recording revenue early, a dishonest business seller or an employee under pressure to meet financial […]
What to do if your business receives a “no-match” letter By: David M. Reape In the past few months, many businesses and employers nationwide have received “no-match” letters from the Social Security Administration (SSA). The purpose of these letters is to alert employers if […]