When limited partners suspect general partners of fraud By: Tony LaNasa Fraud suspicions are hard enough to investigate if you’re a business owner and call the shots. But what if you’re a limited partner (LP) in a business where a general […]
How to protect your nonprofit’s credit cards from misuse By: Helen Weeber A hypothetical not-for-profit staffer named Britney had maxed out her personal credit cards. So when her car needed repairs, she reached for her employer’s card. She reasoned that she would […]
Bad romance: Your online “match” may be a fraudster By: Tony LaNasa According to various estimates, approximately 25% to 30% of online dating accounts involve scammers. Therefore, if you maintain a dating platform account, you need to know that a significant portion […]
The tax implications if your business engages in environmental cleanup By: David M. Reape If your company faces the need to “remediate” or clean up environmental contamination, the money you spend can be deductible on your tax return as ordinary and necessary business expenses. […]
Forget cybercrime — “creepers” are an old-school threat to your business By: Tony LaNasa If you devote all your business’s security resources to fending off hackers and other cybercriminals, you may be unlocking the door, literally, to more basic types of theft. “Creepers” are […]
Small businesses: Get ready for your 1099-MISC reporting requirements By: David M. Reape A month after the new year begins, your business may be required to comply with rules to report amounts paid to independent contractors, vendors, and others. You may have to […]
With international trade fraud, your ship may never come in By: Tony LaNasa The U.S. economy depends on import and export markets to run as designed. After all, revenue from trade tariffs and duties contribute $30 billion annually to federal government coffers. Unfortunately, […]
Small businesses: Stay clear of a severe payroll tax penalty By: David M. Reape One of the most laborious tasks for small businesses is managing payroll. But it’s critical that you not only withhold the right amount of taxes from employees’ paychecks but also […]
How you can help stop elder financial abuse By: Tony LaNasa It’s one of the most difficult types of fraud to unearth. But it doesn’t directly affect businesses or the average consumer — in large part because its victims rarely report […]
It’s about time: Don’t waste that of your board members By: Helen Weeber Most not-for-profit board members are unpaid volunteers. They’ve agreed to serve because they care about your mission and the impact your organization is making. You owe it to them to […]
Taxpayers should beware of property lien scam By: David M. Reape With scam artists hard at work all year, taxpayers should watch for new versions of tax-related scams. One such scam involves fake property liens. It threatens taxpayers with a tax […]
Protect your nonprofit by cross-training staff By: Helen Weeber What would happen if one of your managers was suddenly forced to take long-term disability leave? Or an accounting staffer quit without notice? It’s possible that your not-for-profit’s work could […]